JON KAIMAN DEMOCRAT FOR TOWN SUPERVISORViewpoint: No contest – Jon Kaiman is better North Hempstead supervisorOctober 16, 2023

Viewpoint: No contest—Jon Kaiman is better North Hempstead supervisor
October 16, 2023
by Karen Rubin

Unlike most elections where the challenger can simply argue against all the bad things that have occurred and take on the role of an outsider upending the establishment or the status quo, the upcoming election for North Hempstead town supervisor pits two people who have records in the job.  The contest is between Republican Jennifer DeSena, who currently holds the office of North Hempstead supervisor, and Jon Kaiman, who served for 10 years as supervisor.


 … the only thing that DeSena has to show for her first term in office – as she constantly reminds us with a barrage of mailers and TV ads (where is that money coming from?) is tax cuts that had to be shaved back from her original proposal as being irresponsible. She is literally trying to buy the election.


Her lack of leadership skills is on view at every Town Board meeting and the fact that she has never actually initiated anything.

In contrast, as North Hempstead’s supervisor for five terms from 2004 to 2013, Kaiman proved himself to be a bold visionary and leader. Some ideas (like accessory housing, which really should be revisited) had to be withdrawn (again, as a responsible elected official), but at least he tried.  And what he did accomplish was transformative for our town – Project Independence, which helped seniors stay in their homes and put North Hempstead on the top of “best places to live, retire” lists; 311 which changed how town government responds to residents; and protected greenspaces.


DeSena….actually can’t point to any real accomplishment.


Her stunning lack of leadership is demonstrated at most town meetings. which have been widely mocked. I vacillate as to whether it is because she is incompetent or just lazy.


Her support of admitted conman and fraudster George Santos to be elected to Congress points to her lack of judgment and seriousness, and sheer opportunism as a convert to the Republican Party.


With Kaiman, we know he has made strides in all of these areas: When he was last North Hempstead’s supervisor, he demonstrated his interest in climate action to protect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint, creating the town’s first-ever “Green Fleet” of 20 hybrid and electric vehicles; has demonstrated support for Israel; support for women’s rights (DeSena evaded a vote to promote more access to women’s health clinics); housing (he also opposes Gov. Kathy Hochul’s state mandates, but I have no doubt he will come up with a better solution in keeping with our “suburban” character); support for veterans; fiscal responsibility (he served on NIFA and in every way has shown in-depth understanding of fiscal realities); expanding access to mental health.


Kaiman already has a track record of bold accomplishments, and that when he says he sees his purpose in government in terms of making our lives, our communities, our neighborhoods better, these are not empty words.

Read the full article at the island 360